Carry The Kettle 76-81 Reserve

Carry The Kettle 76-81 is a medium sized (157.39 acres) Reserve in Saskatchewan.

About the name Carry The Kettle 76-81

This Reserve was officially named Carry The Kettle 76-81 on 2018-01-18.


Named on: 2018-01-18
Surface Areas (Acres) 157.39
Location (lat/lng) 49.57092004083911, -109.96311365149151
Province Saskatchewan

Places near Carry The Kettle 76-81

Reserves near to Carry The Kettle 76-81

There are 1 other Reserves within 50km of Carry The Kettle 76-81.

Carry The Kettle 76-69 Reserve 1.15km NW
