Clatse 5 Reserve

Clatse 5 is a medium sized (223.787 acres) Reserve in British Columbia.

About the name Clatse 5

This Reserve was officially named Clatse 5 on 1998-09-18.



Named on: 1998-09-18
Surface Areas (Acres) 223.787
Location (lat/lng) 52.330292473217284, -127.83825392330353
Province British Columbia

Places near Clatse 5

Reserves near to Clatse 5

There are 6 other Reserves within 50km of Clatse 5.

Pole Island 14 Reserve 24.61km NE
Kyarti 3 Reserve 25.77km E
Neekas 4 Reserve 27.07km SE
Tankeah 5 Reserve 28.67km E
Bella Bella 1 Reserve 28.82km NE
Kisameet 7 Reserve 40.81km N
