Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E Reserve

Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E is a medium sized (3,702.96 acres) Reserve in Saskatchewan.

About the name Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E

This Reserve was officially named Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E on 2003-12-18.



Named on: 2003-12-18
Surface Areas (Acres) 3,702.96
Location (lat/lng) 55.16645763184997, -108.06056652302617
Province Saskatchewan

Places near Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E

Reserves near to Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E

There are 4 other Reserves within 50km of Onikahp Sahghikansis 165E.

Canoe Lake 165A Reserve 20.77km E
Beauval Forks 1920 Reserve 23.57km WNW
La Plonge 192 Reserve 29.61km W
Ile a la Crosse 192E Reserve 36.95km SSW
